Meet The Founder

Majed Tabbara

In 2019, I marched alongside countless numbers of friends and peers in the streets of Beirut to protest the government’s failure to provide basic necessities and services to its citizens. We walked amidst rising heaps of garbage, angry at the constant electricity cuts and the sewage water flooding our classrooms. As inconvenient as my situation was, there were neighborhoods with much worse infrastructure and living conditions, and the government turned a blind eye to their struggles.

Inspired by the power of collective action, I founded Teens in Action. Our organization aims to empower young people through volunteering, giving them a platform to create change and make a difference in their communities. We believe that youth are not just the future, but also the present.

When my family moved, I found a way to continue the initiative remotely. I coordinated and mobilized volunteers and stayed updated on the ground through technology. This effort keeps Teens in Action going, allowing young volunteers to continue their invaluable work in their communities. Keeping this initiative alive is crucial for the communities we serve. It’s also a lifeline for me, connecting me with my roots, my people, and the issues I care about. Despite the physical distance, I remain part of the change, part of the solution. This initiative continues to empower me to give back, and serve a cause greater than myself.

Join us in this mission to empower youth and uplift communities. There are countless ways you can contribute. Sign up to volunteer, make a donation, or simply spread the word about our cause. Together, we can turn the tide.